
As EVA continues to innovate, firmware updates are available. A firmware update mainly includes improvements and new features. You can sign up to receive updates about new firmware versions. These firmware updates do not update automatically and are not mandatory, but they can easily be updated by yourself from our website, and can only be installed locally on our products. The how-to instructions for perfroming a frimware update are described below:

Download the new firmware (via the blue button) and save locally on your tablet (do not store in the cloud)

1. Download the Firmware (via the blue button above)
2. Open the EVA (web)app you created in the previous step, or go to your web browser and enter the following address in the address bar: http://evacontroller.local
3. You will now see the homepage of the EVA Experience Web interface
4. Go to EVAstream (on the left button)

5. Click twice on the gear icon in the top right corner for the advanced settings
6. Click “Manage Firmware” > Firmware Settings screen is openend

7. Follow the on-screen instructions: click the “Prepare” button, then “Ok”, and then “Ok” again
8. Click “Select” and select the firmware file you saved on your device in the first step
9. Click “Update”. The new firmware will now be installed and update firmware will be shown in screen
10. “Reboot” will start automatically, and you will be automatically directed back to the homepage EVAstream

11. Check whether the latest firmware download went well
12. By going back to advanced settings you can check the date of the last firmware download (above te steps it is mentioned as: Current Firmware Version: followed by the date and time