Top 14 Senior Swimming Exercises
to Enhance Strength and Flexibility

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for seniors, offering low-impact, cardiovascular workouts that enhance muscle strength, flexibility, and overall health. At EVA Optic, we understand the importance of staying active as we age, which is why we’ve compiled a list of the top 14 senior swimming exercises, 3 of which have been specially developed for counter current swimming. All exercises are designed to meet the needs of the elderly population, focusing on core strengthening, flexibility, and endurance.

1. Aqua Jogging

Aqua jogging is a superb cardiovascular exercise that mimics running but without the impact. This exercise enhances heart health and builds endurance. It’s performed in the deep part of the pool using a flotation belt to maintain an upright position. Seniors can vary their pace from walking to jogging, depending on their comfort and fitness level.

2. Flutter Kicking

Flutter kicking, performed with a kickboard or on the pool’s edge, is an excellent way to strengthen the leg muscles and improve kicking technique. This activity also helps enhance cardiovascular health. Seniors can start with short distances and gradually increase as their strength improves.

3. Standing Water Push-ups

Water push-ups are an excellent upper body exercise. Seniors can perform this exercise by standing along the pool edge and pushing themselves away from the wall. This is a great way to build upper body strength without the strain of traditional push-ups.

4. Water Tai Chi

Water Tai Chi involves performing the slow, controlled movements of Tai Chi in the resistance of water, which is particularly beneficial for improving balance and muscle control. This practice not only helps in strengthening the core but also aids in reducing stress.

5. Leg Lifts

To improve flexibility and strengthen the core and lower body, leg lifts are highly effective. Seniors can perform this exercise by holding onto the side of the pool or a lane line, lifting each leg alternately to the front and side.

6. Arm Curls

Using water dumbbells or foam noodles, arm curls in the water help build bicep and tricep strength. The resistance of the water makes these exercises low impact, ideal for seniors looking to increase upper body strength.

7. Side Stretching

Side stretching is important for maintaining flexibility and range of motion. This can be performed by standing in shallow water and slowly bending to each side while keeping the feet firmly planted. This is a simple yet effective swimming stretching exercise.

8. Back Wall Glide

The back wall glide is an excellent core and back strengthening exercise, which involves pushing off from the pool wall with the feet and gliding backward until coming to a stop. It’s a fun and effective way to build core muscles.

9. Seated Balance

This exercise can be performed on a pool noodle or a flotation device. It involves sitting balanced on the noodle while moving the legs to propel around the pool. This helps improve core strength and balance, crucial for daily activities.

Counter-Current Swimming for Seniors

Counter-current swimming , often referred to as swimming against the tide, is an innovative and effective way for seniors to enhance their swimming workouts. This form of exercise involves swimming in a pool equipped with a device that creates water resistance, simulating the effect of swimming against a current. Here are some key benefits and exercises associated with counter-current swimming for seniors.


Benefits of Counter-Current Swimming

Enhanced Resistance Training : Counter-current swimming provides additional resistance, which helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and increases muscle tone without the need for high-impact or weight-bearing exercises.

Customizable Intensity: The level of resistance can be adjusted according to the swimmer’s fitness level and stamina. This customization makes it a perfect fit for seniors who might need to start at a lower intensity and gradually increase it as their fitness improves.
Improved Water Confidence: For seniors who may be anxious about swimming in larger bodies of water, counter-current units provide a safe and controlled environment to build confidence and swimming skills.

Counter-Current Exercises for Seniors

  1. Endurance Swim: Simply swimming against the current for short periods can significantly improve cardiovascular health and endurance. Start with intervals of one to two minutes of swimming with rest periods in between.
  2. Aquatic Walking or Jogging: Walking or jogging against the current provides a good workout for the legs and core, with the water’s buoyancy reducing the strain on joints and muscles.
  3. Static Exercises: Performing exercises such as squats, lunges, or arm movements while standing against the current can also provide added resistance, similar to working with weights or resistance bands.

Implementing Counter-Current Swimming

For seniors interested in counter-current swimming, Eva Optic provides high-quality counter-current systems that can be easily installed in your home pool.

13. Aqua Pilates Leg Circles

Leg circles in water, inspired by Pilates, help improve hip flexibility and strengthen the lower abdominal muscles. Performing this exercise in water adds gentle resistance, enhancing muscle tone without the harsh impact of gravity.

14. Pool Planks

Planking in the pool adds a fun twist to a classic core-strengthening exercise. Using a pool noodle, seniors can perform this exercise by holding the noodle with both hands in front of them, pressing down into the water, and leaning forward until the body is in a straight line, just like a traditional plank but supported by water. This exercise challenges the core muscles while minimizing strain on the back and hips, making it safe for individuals with joint concerns.


These last two exercises are excellent additions to any senior’s swimming routine, providing benefits such as increased core strength, improved hip mobility, and better balance. Including these exercises in a regular swimming workout can help seniors maintain a high quality of life by keeping their bodies strong and flexible.


Safety Tips and Considerations

When participating in any swimming exercises,   is paramount. Seniors should ensure they perform exercises in the presence of a lifeguard or accompanied by others. It’s also important to consider wearing appropriate swimwear that provides both comfort and support during exercise.


Swimming exercises for the elderly offer a multitude of , including improved strength, better flexibility, and enhanced cardiovascular health. By incorporating these top 14 senior swimming exercises into a regular fitness regimen, seniors can maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

Counter-current swimming is an excellent way for seniors to keep their swimming workouts challenging and enjoyable. By incorporating this method, seniors can enhance their strength, endurance, and flexibility, all while enjoying the buoyant, supportive environment of the water.

Curious if a counter current swimming machine suits you?

Feel free to try one out in one of our test pools. For questions please fill out our contact form or reach out to one of our specialists on +31 (0)38 – 33 75 067.